I can confirm the UNC part. However there are a few hurdles to take. To do scheduled backups you have to change the service account for nsrexecd on the networker server or storage node to an account with administrative rights on the filer domain.The reason for this is that scheduled backups are started by the nsrexecd service with the permissions of the local system account which are not sufficient for access to the filer. Therefor you must ensure that the service runs with another account. Alternatively a custom backup command can be used to mount the netapps volume on the backup the machine, but you will have add the "NET USE" command and enter the password in clear text in the command file.
This is the (abridged) custom command I am currently using, which will disappear when we finish setting up the new domain controllers.
@ECHO OFF REM Copy parameters to environment for save command SHIFT IF %0.==. GOTO EOJ SET args=%0 :LOOPARG REM SET argp=%0 SHIFT IF %0.==. GOTO LOOPEND SET args=%args% %0 GOTO LOOPARG :LOOPEND REM IF /I (%argp%) EQU (C:) GOTO SKIPUSE IF /I (%argp%) EQU (D:) GOTO SKIPUSE IF /I (%argp%) EQU (REGISTRY:) GOTO SKIPUSE C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\NET USE %argp% /user:domain\account <password> NUL: :SKIPUSE REM D:\NSR\BIN\SAVE %args% C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\NET USE %argp% /D > NUL: :EOJ REM ENDLOCAL
Bye Ernie
PS. Paul please send me your phone number. Soon I will send you details on our backup trials and there are a few things I like to discuss with you then. (Gerard Bauer is informed about this).
-----Original Message----- From: Benn, Paul [SMTP:paul.benn@netapp.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 6:24 PM To: 'christopher.algar@s1.com'; toasters@mathworks.com Subject: RE: Legato backup revisited
Hello Chris,
So, what is the latest? Would appreciate opinions on the following:-
If I want to preserve NTFS permissions then should the Legato server be on NT?
Yes. NT ACLs as well as the UNIX permissions are retained when using an NT backup application (via CIFS), an NDMP solution or the local dump command. When backing up over NFS, NT ACLs are lost.
For more info on NT based backup, have a look at: http://www.netapp.com/tech_library/3052.html
Since I wrote that paper, though, I believe that NetWorker now supports the direct use of UNC paths (as opposed to using a mapped drive letter).
If so, Is Legato reliable/stable on NT? If it works and is a lot cheaper then OK, with have the people to run either.
The NetWorker server does not need to be the NT version. The NetWorker client that you would use to front end the filer is the only piece that needs to be NT.
Paul Benn Network Appliance