Anyone has any insights as to what I am doing wrong?I am trying to restore a single file from a 5 tape dump.
The tape inserted in the beginning is the correct tape (tape 5).Should I get any message from restore saying that it liked my tape 5 and would now need the next tape ? Because I inserted tape 4 after 5 and got Wrong volume 2.Can anyone explain why it does not say wrong volume 5 but says wrong volume 1. Moreover why does it crap out on me with the 'Tape Block size should be 10240, not 64512' message ? Any help is greatly appreciated.The dump command I used is : dump 0uf urst0a,urst0a,urst0a,urst0a,rst0a /vol/vol0
bean> restore xvfD rst0a /vol/vol0/test/restore /users/john/lib/hit.c RESTORE: Dump date: Mon Jul 28 15:46:35 PDT 1999 RESTORE: Dumped from: the epoch RESTORE: Level 0 dump of /vol/vol0/ on bean:/vol/vol0/../snapshot_for_backup.5 RESTORE: Label: none RESTORE: Initialize symbol table. RESTORE: Extract directories from tape RESTORE: Warning: cannot create directory /vol/vol0/test/restore: File exists RESTORE: Make node /vol/vol0/test/restore RESTORE: Extract requested files RESTORE: You have not read any tapes yet. Please start with the last tape volume and work towards towards the first. RESTORE: Specify next tape volume #:5 RESTORE: Mount tape volume on bean RESTORE: Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes RESTORE: otherwise enter tape name (default: rst0a) urst0a RESTORE: Wrong volume 1 RESTORE: Mount tape volume on bean RESTORE: Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes RESTORE: otherwise enter tape name (default: urst0a) RESTORE: Wrong volume 2 RESTORE: Mount tape volume on bean RESTORE: Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes RESTORE: otherwise enter tape name (default: urst0a) RESTORE: Wrong volume 3 RESTORE: Mount tape volume on bean RESTORE: Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes RESTORE: otherwise enter tape name (default: urst0a) RESTORE: Wrong volume 4 RESTORE: Mount tape volume on bean RESTORE: Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes RESTORE: otherwise enter tape name (default: urst0a) RESTORE: Tape Block size should be 10240, not 64512. RESTORE: Mount tape volume on bean RESTORE: Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes RESTORE: otherwise enter tape name (default: urst0a) RESTORE: Tape Block size should be 10240, not 64512. RESTORE: Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes RESTORE: otherwise enter tape name (default: urst0a) none RESTORE: No more tapes, recovery operation aborted bean>