rsh toaster cifs sessions *
will give open sessions and files for all connected users. Good for finding who is holding an open file.
"White, Lance" wrote:
Do this via rsh command to a Filer, or on the Filer itself.
Displaying CIFS session information
CIFS session information you can display
You can display information about connected users and the number of shares and open files for each user. You can also display information about a specific connected user.
Displaying information with the cifs sessions command
The cifs sessions command syntax is as follows:
cifs sessions <username>
Displaying information about all connected users
To display information about all connected users, use the following command syntax:
cifs sessions
Sample output is
Server Registers as 'TOASTER` in group WNT-DOMAIN
WINS Server: 272.320.0.4
PC style Access Control is being used
Using domain controller WNT-DOMAIN-PDC for authentication
PC (user) #shares #files
SMITHPC (qsmith) 1 1
PETERSPC (zpeters) 2 3
Displaying information about one user
To display the information for a particular user, specify the user name in the command; for example:
cifs sessions ghopper
shares/files opened
HALEY-HOME1 (ghopper)
ENG-USERS Read-denyW -
HALEY-PC (ghopper)
Displaying connected user security information
To display security information for each connected user, use cifs sessions with the -s option. After the first two lines, detailed information for each connected user is displayed. The following example lists only one user.
cifs sessions -s
Security Information
HOLARD-PC (root)
*************** UNIX uid = 0 user is a member of group daemon (1) user is a member of group www (204) user is a member of group well (0) user is a member of group http (500) NT membership WNT-DOMAIN\root WNT-DOMAIN\Domain Users WNT-DOMAIN\Domain Admins WNT-DOMAIN\SU Users WNT-DOMAIN\Installers BUILTIN\Users BUILTIN\Administrators User is also a member of Everyone, Network Users, Authenticated Users *************** -----Original Message----- From: Monica Lam [] Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 10:29 AM To: '' Subject: Is there a way to tell who is mapping specific filer cifs shares? Hi, We want to intermittantly capture data on which users are mapping which cifs shares off of our filers. Any one familiar with a command line way of doing this, either from NT or solaris or the Network Appliance itself? (The information shows up in the NT server manager, but it is not very useful in terms of capturing trends...) Thanks!