On 09/03/2010 02:26 PM, A Darren Dunham wrote:
I was tracking down some lock issues with a 8.0 (7 mode) box, and it appears the output of 'lock status -f' is different than described in the man page.
Man page example:
========b1000060:0007a88d simcity1775 state=GONE mode=Writ-denyA
My machine:
========002c613d:00760cb9 NLM[,41648]: 0:0 1 GRANTED (0xffffff08d3686428)
Looks like more information to me. Question is... What is that field after the host name/IP (the 41648 above)? I thought at first it might be a port on the client, but I don't see anything on the client associated with ports there. So if that's true, it's not a persistent connection.
Is there some other meaning that would help me track down on the client the owner (or past owner) of the lock?
Should be the PID of the process running on