Be aware that NetApp does not garauntee dump-format compatibility with any other programs besides "dump" and "restore" provided in Data ONTAP. Although "ufsdump" and "ufsrestore" most of the time can read their dump format, we've found some occasions when it cannot. We attribute it to the fact that NetApp likes to change command names, arguments, output, and behavior without notice and that their dump format changes just the same.
Also take note that NDMP is only a protocol for moving data. ONTAP "dump" and "restore" send and recieve their native output through NDMP. NDMP does nothing additional with it. Essentially, your ability to restore from a NetApp dump will not be affected by your choice to use or not use NDMP.
All this being said, there is nothing wrong with using ONTAP "dump" and "restore". In case of disaster, you'll be able to boot the filer from floppies and get a restore running faster than you'll re-install an NT or UNIX machine to run the restore from. Even if you could, you'd still have to get the NetApp up on the network to transfer the restored data.
The easiest solution that provides the most flexibility is using backup software which talks NDMP. You will be able to use direct-attached SCSI or a remote tape device, manipulate tape stackers/jukeboxes, and easily redirect dumps from one NetApp to a device on another NetApp. Additionally, this software often has file history which allows you to see what files were dumped and virtually traverse the directories to pick just the files you want to restore. The drawback is that this software can be expensive, especially if you aren't spreading its cost over other machines.
The cheaper solution would be to dump to a diret-attached SCSI drive or remote drive by running the filer's "dump" command. This could be kicked off from a cron job on another host, but will require you to manage your own tapes and won't have any fancy file history features.
I hope this information helps!
-- Jeff
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Krueger E-Mail: NetApp File Server Lead Phone: 858-651-6709 IT Engineering and Support Fax: 858-651-6627 QUALCOMM, Incorporated Web:
From Garrett Burke on Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:15:22 BST:
Hi All,
I understand that Solaris ufsdump can read (but drops ACL information) Netapp dump format tapes.
Does anyone know if either FreeBSD or Red Hat Linux can do the same (don't have a drive on these systems at present so can't test it) or if there's any utility that enables them (or WinNT) to do so.
We are primarily a WinNT house and what I'm trying to do is to ensure that in the face of a disaster, that I'm able to restore files as quickly as possible, even in the face of not having a filer (Even restoring a sub set of the files would get us back up & running) I'm not too worried about loosing the ACL information using this scenario.
I'm currently looking at backup SW to replace our current system (ARCServe IT), but discovered that if we use NDMP (with QuickRestore) to backup the filer then the tapes will have Filer dump format information on them.
Thanks, GB.
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