A couple folks mentioned running NFS over TCP for linux.
However, I've encountered data corruption (i.e. running a filer hosted binary will core dump) with RH 7.1 and 7.2 with NFS over TCP. Is there some patch/kernel rev/something I need to apply???
I stopped pursuing this because RedHat and NetApp said this was a known issue. Sounds like some people have it working though.
I am running RH 7.3 (kernel 2.4.18-5) using NFS v3 over TCP and have not seen any problems. I did see problems with UDP. Here is a typical /etc/fstab line:
filer:/vol/vol0 /vol0 nfs rw,hard,intr,tcp,bg 0 0
RH 7.3 + 2.4.20-ac2 is ROCK solid, tcp/udp doesnt matter.
I have 100/GigE mixed and default mount options via autofs-testing-v4 (from kernel.org)