Notice the poster, the date/time stamp of his post and the date/time stamp of the post to which he was responding. I don't think I have ever felt so assured that a company stood behind their product.
If I remember, 5.2.1 was a really nasty release, and there were some ugly ducklings on either side of it to (was 5.2.1 the one that ended up having a Cisco-esque release cycle, going up to R4D3-CP3O or something?).
I go much easier on my toasters than I used to, but the quality of releases has gotten _much_ better -- I've found myself upgrading with reckless regard for life, limb, or uptime now just for a new feature. Maybe I'm lucky, but I can't remember the last time I was hit by a genuine bug..
PS - Haven't seen it mentioned, but the '# of sites/filers running X release' thing on NOW is a really nice feature -- a bit of a pat on the back that Everything's Going to be OK prior to typing 'download'.