On Fri, 21 Aug 1998, Jim Davis wrote:
On Sat, 22 Aug 1998, just me. wrote:
Has anyone found better documentation on 'exports' syntax than the crappy 'administrators' guide once-over?
Hmm. Well, that's what we do here. For instance on the main server I have in the exports file
[great example snipped. thanks]
That's pretty much the Sun-standard netgroup usage since, oh, 198-mumble. Hal Stern's NFS/NIS book talks about netgroups in detail, but you don't need anything fancy for this.
I don't think you can use 'root=netgroup' which is kind of inconvenient, but then you probably don't want N+1 peecees to have root access anyway.
Actually, thats exactly the inconsistency I am interested in ironing out.
It does however reference one of the mysterious man pages, which I have never been able to get Netapp to give me. In fact they deny their existance.
C'mon, you've got to be trolling now.
No, I am dead serious. Netapp Japan told me they didnt exist, and I have read the administrators guide from cover to cover (including specifically looking for man page references) without finding them. I will go over it again on Monday, but I honestly dont think they are mentioned.
Guy, bless his heart, pointed out that they are in etc/man on the filer's root volume. I can't believe I didn't spot that.
alohas! matto
--matt@bikkle.interq.or.jp------------------------------------------- Matt Ghali MG406/GM023JP - System Administrator, interQ, Inc AS7506 "Sub-optimal is a state of mind." -Dave Rand, dlr@bungi.com