toasters --
I am trying to troubleshoot connectivity issues between my serial consoles and my 3020s. Per NetApp, we are 'required' to hang the X881[1] rj45-to-db9 dongle off the filers. But my Cyclades can easily grok rj-45. A phone call to NetApp revealed that a pin-out of:
4 -> 4 3 -> 6 6 -> 3
should allow me to not have to used the NetApp dongle (TSE appears to have walked the pin-outs backwards to come up with the above). Havent tested this yet; looking to confirm from those on the list since the pinout is non-standard.
So is anyone out there tapping into their Cyclades without the NetApp db9 dongle hanging off their 3xx0 filer? Insight appreciated. Thanks.
[1]: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/solutions/kb13794_X881.jpg ; taken from https://now.netapp.com/Knowledgebase/solutionarea.asp?id=kb13794
- -- Nick