Same problem here. One of our 520s which we have a service contract lost a drive. An RMA was created based on the autosupport, then I got an email that they "are out of stock on these drives" and will let me know when they have more. I emailed back that we are in danger of data loss if we lose another drive.
The tech said he would see what he could do ... and later that day a new drive came via SonicAir. Well, a new case on it at least -- I don't know if the drive is new, I know on our 4 G drives when they were still under maintanence, we were getting refurbished drives. Anyway, this REALLY concerned me also. I'll have to dig up the maintanence agreement and read it, but isn't it a contract stating that Netapp will provide parts in X amount of time when there is a failure? Wouldn't surprise me to see something on there stating that they are not responsible for data loss due to failed hardware or inability to get hardware to me in a timely manner. What's going on, Netapp?
Justin Acklin Philips STB
John Tatar wrote:
As a note of caution to some of you folks out there that have older filers, we have a 540 with two volumes. 3 Shelves of 4 Gig Drive and 1 Shelf with 9 Gig Drives (all SCSI). We had one of the 9 Gig drives go out on us two weeks ago. We are still awaiting the RMA drive.
Luckly I had a 9Gig'er in my spares kit or I would be all over netapp on this. But if I hadn't, 2 weeks would be like an eternity without a 9 Gig spare sitting on the shelf.
Since we have a service contract, why isn't netapp maintaining an adequate inventory of spares?
=================================================================== John J. Tatar Systems & Network Engineering Section Advanced Computer Applications Group Decision & Information Sciences Division Argonne National Laboratory or Office: 630-252-3242 Fax: 630-252-5128