Im in the same boat, I lost a Fas250 cookoff to a Dell/EMC-100 POS because management couldn't understand the software features, the only thing that mattered was the hardware, and Dell gave us the box for cost, and a bunch of free LCD monitors.
Only now are people wondering where the snapshots went, and in an engineering house, it wont get any better. Cant wait for a disk failure.
On 8/26/05 8:05 AM, "Sphar, Mike" wrote:
My guess would be "Get approved by penny-pinching management".
I know I've had many times where I've had to fight for keeping/upgrading a netapp over objections such as "Well, I could just buy a bunch of cheap disks and a server at Fry's to do the same thing!"
Things like those stupid SNAP Servers don't help either. We had to move a bunch of stuff to one of those a while back over my objections. Fast forward a couple months and the SNAP Server loses a disk, which somehow causes it to actually crash and corrupt most of the data (which wasn't all being backed up yet because we were still fighting with a weird permission problem trying to get NFS backups to work.) Bear in mind the ancient F230 that we moved data *from* has never experienced any data loss like that, and is in fact still running.
Now when people talk about putting something on the SNAP server I just say "Yeah, good luck with that" and I keep putting my stuff on my good friend Mr F940.