here is what we do in /etc/auto_direct
/var/mail -rw,hard,actimeo=0 filer:/vol/vol2/mail
intr, hard are defaults. You might want to add noac.
This is not the right way of doing things(over nfs that is). If your people complain about not getting mail on the client, do a /usr/lib/sendmail -v
You might see it trying to make a port 25 connection to your filer :) Again, that is not a NetApp thing, more of a /var/mail over NFS thing.
we store /var/mail on NetApp filers (F840c, F760c) at several sites with diffeent size (12 to 200 Sun Solaris 2.5.1/7/8/9 clients) without problems.
we automount /var/mail in /etc/auto_direct with these options:
/var/mail -rw,hard,intr,noac,actimeo=0 filer:/vol/vol1/qtree04/mail
we do use POP3, but most clients access the mailbox via NFS directly.
Hope this helps