deleting /etc/rc is no more enought to set up the filer as new : you have to enter
halt -c factory
even with that, there is a little bug that didn't put the original value of... i can't remember it's related to an options or an "admin" stuff not really important thought because rarelly used
the best could be zeroing all disk and reinstall the system
Victor Olsen wrote:
Delete /etc/rc on the root volume Data on disk will NOT be deleted. To delete data on disks you have to initialize disks or manually delete them.
*Fra:* [] *På vegne av* Chuck Tomasi *Sendt:* 20. september 2004 19:43 *Til:* '' *Emne:* Resetting Parameters
What's the command to "unset" all the parameters and have a filer come up as if running 'setup'? I have a filer I setup on site in the US that needs to be shipped to the UK. I'd like it to prompt for new values immediately rather than wait for several processes to timeout and have someone login and run 'setup' again. I recall there was a way to do that, but don't see it in my notes.
--*Chuck Tomasi* --/Corporate Systems Administrator/ --Plexus Technology Group --(920)751-3327 --_http://www.plexus.com_