Looking up 'get_netmask' in Sun's SunSolve database, the problem is lack of response to an ICMP Address Mask Request. (Which NetApp probably does not support in ONTAP.)
Bryan Stansell wrote:
Don't know if this is your answer, but I have this note from our jumpstart server:
5.[678]*/Solaris_*/Tools/Boot/sbin/rcS modified to not run get_netmask
Here's the diff ...
< if [ -x /no/sbin/get_netmask ]; then
if [ -x /sbin/get_netmask ]; then
I never tried sending a ping, so I'm not 100% sure if this is the same issue you're having, but without this it would hang "indefinately" when a netapp is used as the fileserver.
Hope that helps.
On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 02:15:09PM -0600, Rob Windsor wrote:
This is an odd situation, perhaps someone else has run into it..
I've been running jumpstart off of the netapp, Solaris-2.6 and -8.
For both versions, and for any network configuration, any time I netboot a system off of the netapp, I must send one ping packet to the system being jumpstarted to get it beyond "configuring devices..." (Sol-2.6) or "Configured interface hme0" (Sol-8, ultrasparc, same effect for sun4m, just s/hme/le/). This ping packet must be directed specifically at the host, not a broadcast ping ("ping a.b.c.255").
Anyone else seen this? Is there a workaround or hack that makes this go, other than what I'm doing already?
Rob Windsor E-Mail - mailto:rob_windsor@adc.com Senior Unix Systems Administrator Voice - phone:972-680-6919 Computer Services Fax - phone:972-680-0370 Broadband Access and Transport Group __o ADC Telecommunications _`<,_ Richardson, TX 75082 (_)/ (_)