On 27 Jul 1998, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
Brian Tao taob@risc.org writes:
Is this possible? We have some transition requirements that would be greatly eased if we could fire up a quota tree under, say, /devtree at first, and then rename it to /tree once we roll the new filesystem into production.
Yes, it is. Just shut off quotas, "mv" the tree, change /etc/quotas, and restart quotas.
The magic that "quota qtree" performs isn't needed for the rename then? I thought there was something in /etc/db/quota.db had to be updated to stay consistent. In any case, I'll give that a try to see how it works. Thanks.
You may have some stale file handle issues on clients afterwards if there was an old tree with similarly named files in active use.
We'll be unmounting and remounting it anyway, and the client that uses the mount will be rebooted in between besides.