In older of versions of OT it's still in the vol command set.
vol options snapmirror status
or vol snapmirror status
I can't remember exactly now.
Daniel Finn wrote:
On all of my netapps running a newer version of ONTAP the command worked and I got the following resonse: snapmirror is not licensed
but on my F740 running NetApp Release 5.3.5R2 it doesn't recognize that command. What is the way with the older versions of ONTAP to verity that snap is turned off?
Thanks Dan
-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Kennedy [] Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 5:04 PM To: Daniel Finn Subject: Re: verifying that snap is turned off
snapmirror status
Daniel Finn wrote:
How can I do this?
Jeff Kennedy Unix Administrator AMCC