I opened a ticket with NetApp support with no luck so far.
The only way I found to identify such an issue is the following:
node_shell> sysconfig -M ..
!DS2246!SHFHU1427000371!0173!! !DS2246-Pwr-Supply!<N/A>!<N/A>!<N/A>!<N/A>!! !DS2246-Pwr-Supply!XXT140532704!114-00065+A2!9C!020F!!
The 2nd line suggests there is no status info about 1st PSU.
On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Momonth momonth@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All,
I've been testing a few monitoring scripts for cDOT and had to pull out some physical components on heads / disk shelves, I noticed the following:
when a PSU removed from a DS2246 disk shelf, this fact is not visible for CLI tools like "alert" or "system health". Also Zephyr API calls of 'ses' category don't seem to have visibility on that.