I've got an old lab filer with a shelf of X231 disks. I've got my hands on a couple of extra 36GB disks to act as spares, but it turns out they're X225s rather than X231s - ie a 512 byte sector size rather than a 520 byte sector size.
The /etc/qual_devices file lists the following:
D NETAPP X225_ST336704FC NA42 512 D NETAPP X231_ST336704FC NA42 520
The two disks are obviously identical seagate drives, but AFAIR (I could be wrong, it's been a long day) I can't use a 512 byte drive in a volume of 520 byte drives. Is this correct?
If so, is there any way around this? I can re-format the drives with a 520 byte sector size - and add an X225 line with a 520 byte sector size, would that do the trick? If not, is there any way of changing the disk label from X225 to X231?
Thanks in advance,