I believe this may be memory errors. I think you aloud 1 in a blue moon, if more replace mem. Check with netapps.
__^__ ( ___ )--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ | / | Peter Pross Title: Unix Systems Administrator | / | Nortel Networks Montreal Email: pross@nortel.ca | / | 16 Place du Commerce Voice: 514-765-7973 | / | Nun's Island, Quebec, Fax : 514-761-8710
| / | Canada H3E 1H6 ESN : 852-7973
|___| (_____)--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
-----Original Message----- From: Mike Ball [SMTP:mball@rtp.opensystems.com] Sent: March 3, 1999 2:06 PM To: 'toasters@mathworks.com' Subject: UNCORR PROC MCHK 98
Does anyone have an idea of what the below error is pointing to on my F630 running 5.21?
"Wed Mar 3 09:26:49 EST [rc]: relog syslog UNCORR PROC MCHK 98 pc:fffffc0000482260 cia:0 mm:4090 eia:1820f550 fs:ff00 eis:945000000 isr: 0 pci0:3010106 pci1:4000"
I discovered my system was locked up this morning when I came in. After rebooting i discovered the following error in my messages file.