Hi July,
We use ARCServe IT for NT with our Filer (F230). We create a snapshot, share the snapshot and backup directly over the network.
Major problem 1: Really slow, especially when lots of small files like we have. Major problem 2: Can't do incrementals (presumably as the Full Backups can't clear the archive bit in the snapshot and sure a new snapshot is created for each backup)
There's a doc on using ARCServe on the Netapp site - see http://www.netapp.com/tech_library/3052.html
I don't know how to use an Intermediatry host with ARCServe. NT 4.0 doesn't allow you to share a drive mapped from another host. Neither does the ARCServe NT Client list the mapped drive in it's list of drives to backup. Am I missing a configuration item?
We run with oplocks disabled as we found that this improved the speed, but we are still only seeing 90MB/min with a PIII 450Mhz with a DLT7000 as the backup host. I'm seeing backup speeds of between 150MB/min & 200MB/min from NT servers using the ARCServe client SW.
I intend having a hard look at this in early Mar., and if I can't solve it usign ARCServe then I intend looking at other backup solutions - QuickRestore (http://www.worksta.com/) looks interesting. Would be interested in any feedback from QuickRestore users.
My gut feeling is that ARCServe is fine for a few NT Servers, but once you have > 50GB of data then it's time to play with the big boys (which means shelling out for the SW). Doing restores from ARCServe Tapes is a doddle. Hopefully won't have to give the ease of use up. I'd love to be able to put my hand on my heart when I go looking for the cash for a F740 (in a few months) that I'll be able to back it up, but that is not the case at the moment using ARCServe.
Regards, GB
-----Original Message----- From: July at Zerowait [SMTP:july@zerowait.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 3:13 PM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: ArcServe and Filers
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