Chris Thompson wrote:
It's also true that some performance problems, especially on unlinks, could be dramatically alleviated by decreasing ncsize down to less than 30000 if the default came out larger than that. That's with the software as it was a year ago; I haven't taken off the screwdown to 17500 on our 768 MB machines that I put in at that time, so recent patches may have improved things.
Unlinks should be infrequent, since the news servers run bCandid's software, which uses large database-like files, instead of one file for each article, as some other news server software does.
Reducing it right down to 8000 does sound overenthusiastic to me.
[Meta-note: I find myself talking about Solaris on a NetApp mailing list! I'm going to get into as much trouble as I did for talking about NetApp's on comp.unix.solaris recently...]
Solaris and its interaction with ONTAP. It's on-topic to me.