On Thu, 6 May 1999 sthaug@nethelp.no wrote:
The US isn't the whole world.
Correct me if I'm worng, but the U.S. is where the NACs are built, right? We were talking about NAC comming up with a low-end solutions, right?
There are other parts of the world where SCSI is significantly more expensive than IDE. Norway is an example of this.
That's simply because there probably isn't enough demand in Norway for SCSI disks to make them a comodity. Besides, everything is expensive in Norway, a Whopper meal cost something close to $8, more than double what it costs in the U.S. It's a gorgeous country though. Maybe next time I'll make it all the way to Narvik. (But I digress.)
If the shipping and duties placed on top of prices of drives in Norway do not close the gap sufficiently, then I guess you're always welcome to buy drives in the U.S. and ship them to Norway. If the duties are outrageous then why not go to the source of the problem, vote for the government to lift duties on those products. Although I doubt that the duties are higher on SCSI drives then on IDE drives. Thus, simply, someone pockets the difference.