Hi Peter,
We are using the legato netapp client on our filers, and have been doing it for a while - primarely because it then acts like any other client to our Legato Server. My expereience is a bit mixed - it's working allright, I can do redirectied recover of it's data or recover dirctly to the filer, my problem is 1) speed: It's attached to my LAN via a 100MBit full duplex interface, but I only get about 5MB/sek; Im not sure where the problem is, it's alot of small files so it can be on both the filer and the server .... but we are looking into it now :) 2) It's not being maintained in the future, our support tells us that NetApp is going to use NDMP instead :( Med venlig hilsen, Best regards
Christian Sønder, System administrator TDC Internet (http://www.opasia.dk http://www.zillion.dk) Olof Palmes Alle 36, DK - 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark Tlf: +45 86 78 63 12, Fax +45 86 78 38 00 e-mail: mailto:chso@int.tele.dk
-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Peter D. Gray [mailto:pdg@uow.edu.au] Sendt: 18. juni 2001 08:56 Til: toasters@mathworks.com Emne: legato netapp client
It seems most people on this list are using NDMP for backup of their filers. However, I would like to avoid that if I can.
Does anybody have expereience with the legato netapp client and does anybody know if that product is being maintained into the future?
Regards, pdg
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