Ndmpcopy is vendor specific, ie in this case, netapp The communication for ndmpcopy will get reset, as you saw if it cannot mske sense of the destination protocols
You should be able from a third party host use dump pipe restore and if I recall that should work. Might take a bit of work to setup but I believe it should still work
On Thursday, July 31, 2014, Jordan Slingerland < Jordan.Slingerland@independenthealth.com> wrote:
<removed image>
I am trying to do an ndmpcopy from a 7m 8.1.4P1 to an Oracle ZS3.
I am not even sure if this is possible, but It authenticates successfully then dies with a network communication error.
Looking at a pkkt capture, there is 2 way protocol communication for about 15 seconds then the netapp sends a reset.
toaster*> ndmpcopy -d -da user:pass /vol/vm_store101 zs31:/export/test123/
Ndmpcopy: Starting copy [ 24 ] ...
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Notify: Connection established
Ndmpcopy: zs31: Notify: Connection established
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Connect: Authentication successful
Ndmpcopy: zs31: Connect: Authentication successful
Ndmpcopy: zs31: Log: Running Restore without Direct Access RestoreNdmpcopy: zs31: Log: Restoring to "/export/test123/".
Ndmpcopy: zs31: Log: Tape server: remote at
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: creating "/vol/vm_store101/../snapshot_for_backup.3267" snapshot.
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: Using Full Volume Dump
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu Jul 31 11:07:51 2014.
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch.
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: Dumping /vol/vm_store101 to NDMP connection
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: mapping (Pass I)[regular files]
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: mapping (Pass II)[directories]
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: estimated 2616811716 KB.
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
Ndmpcopy: zs31: Notify: restore successful
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: Network communication error
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: DUMP IS ABORTED
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DUMP: Deleting "/vol/vm_store101/../snapshot_for_backup.3267" snapshot.
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Log: DATA: Backup terminated: EVENT: I/O ERROR (for /vol/vm_store101)
Ndmpcopy: toaster: Connection halted: HALT: Internal error!
Ndmpcopy: Notify: Transfer failed
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