----- Original Message ----- From: "Premanshu Jain" PrJain@shastanets.com To: "'Bruce Sterling Woodcock'" sirbruce@ix.netcom.com; "Davinder Gupta" davinder_gupta@intusurg.com; toasters@mathworks.com Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 2:54 PM Subject: RE: Defraging the filers
Filers do a Disk-Scrub each sunday. Seems this is the same as defrag...
No, the disk scrub checks for physical media errors. It's like the "surface scan" part of a scandisk.
WAFL collects writes as they come in and writes them out in an optimal fashion. Removes do cause some fragmentation but usually not enough to matter. (I think I've seen figures where "aged" filesystems can see a dropoff of 10% or so, but it depends entirely on the character of your space usage - archival, database, lots of small writes and removes of little files, etc.)