If I recall correctly, NetApp suggests you don't cron rdate's to run on the hour because it's possible to step the clock past the hour and miss a scheduled event such as raid scrubbing or snapshots. I beleive I read this on NOW, not sure.
Interesting! Wish they would provide an alternate solution. The don't provide NTP and then they discourage us from cron'ing rdate. What do they think? I have nothing else meaningful to do, but sit here and periodically do remoteshell filer1 "hello brain dead, here is your date/time" remoteshell filre2 "hello brain dead, here is your date/time" .... remoteshell filerN "hello brain dead, here is your date/time"
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From: "Jason D. Kelleher" kelleher@susq.com Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 04:30:27 -0500 Subject: Re: raid scrubbing and hot spares To: sirbruce@ix.netcom.com Cc: toasters@mathworks.com
In message 19981027212824341@ix.netcom.com, sirbruce@ix.netcom.com writes:
On 10/27/98 13:48:40 you wrote:
Hmm... That's interesting. Is there a CPU usage threshold before the filer becomes "Busy"? Is it 60%, 70% or what?
It's probably "busy" in the sense of heavy disk activity. Which might be associated with high CPU usage but not necessarily. As someone else noted, frequent rdates can do it too. Perhaps running a backup?
I know certain models and certain OSes are less prone to this, but I don't know the details of how Netapp currently views the situation.
If I recall correctly, NetApp suggests you don't cron rdate's to run on the hour because it's possible to step the clock past the hour and miss a scheduled event such as raid scrubbing or snapshots. I beleive I read this on NOW, not sure. jason
Jason D. Kelleher kelleher@susq.com Susquehanna Partners, G.P. 610.617.2721 (voice) 401 City Line Ave, Suite 220 610.617.2916 (fax) Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1122
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Philip Thomas Motorola - PEL, M/S M350 2200 W. Broadway M350 Mesa, AZ 85202 rxjs80@email.sps.mot.com (602) 655-3678 (602) 655-2285 (fax)