From time to time, it is useful to see which NFS clients might currently be NFS-mounting software from a NetApp server.
On a typical UNIX fileserver, the mount daemon maintains a text-format file "/etc/rmtab" (or similar) which can quickly be browsed (or grep'ped etc.).
I see that NetApp also has an "/etc/rmtab" file, which seems to record similar information. But: (a) it seems undocumented; (b) it is not text-formatted, but seems rather to be a four-byte binary entry-length followed by the entry itself.
Now whilst I could quickly hack together a C program or perl-script to make this human-readable, it would seem worthwhile to ask: (a) is "/etc/rmtab" supported? (b) is it documented? (page number?) (c) are there already some established and accepted ways to make its contents human-readable? (d) is there a FilerView (WWW) way of seeing the information in here?