I think I remember hearing that you have the most disk failures at the beginning of the disks life.
-----Original Message----- From: Clawson, Simon [mailto:simon_clawson@mentorg.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:36 AM To: 'toasters@mathworks.com' Subject: Seagate Cheetah 36Gb disk failures
I have had to replace two of our 36Gb Seagate Cheetah disks in the last 3 months. This is on a shelf that's just over a year old. Has anyone else noticed these disks fail regularly?
Simon Clawson TEL:- +44 (0)1635 811409 HDL Designer Series Team Systems Administrator FAX:- +44 (0)1635 810108 Mentor Graphics Ireland Ltd (UK Branch) MOB:- +44 (0)7788 716071 Rivergate London Road Newbury Berkshire RG14 2QB