On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 05:05:39PM -0700, Bruce Sterling Woodcock wrote:
Is the mapping only for access, or only for ownership?
I understand that if root creates a file, and you look at it from NT, it will be owned by Administrator (with the mapping given above). But when Administrator tries to access it, he'll be mapped to ntadmin, which doesn't have access??
This is correct.
But in this case an ordinary NT user (u12345) has created a file and neither this user nor the NT administrator seems to have any access rights.
Unfortunately this is also true for the UNIX side. Neither root nor the UNIX user to which u12345 is mapped (also called u12345 with a uid of 12345) has access to the file despite the fact that it shows up as
-rwx------ 1 12345 1101 2215 May 8 17:48 structure.cnf
in a listing.
Apparently the file uses the NT security model in the mixed qtree and the file owner has locked himself and others out.