How long does it take you to do "quota" on after you add some student entries? I thought "quota resize" didn't handle new entries (it complains about them for tree based quotas).
It now takes 2-3 seconds instead of 2 minutes, because I changed from using usernames to using UID's.
Would you be interested in "network" quotas? I suggested to NAC that it would be nice if one could share quota information between filers. We'll have 4 filers serving our users. We don't want to prohibit them from writing into each others' directories because statistically it should come out even on all filers, but we don't want to give them 4 times the quota. Network wide quotas would be very nice. The user can get his 100MB and put it wherever he wants.
That's a great idea. I have 3 filers across two campuses, and having a unified quota would be cool.