Apologies to you all, but this was not a problem at all. I must have
examined a tape that hadn't been written to.
Last nights backups behaved as expected, writing at the full density
capability of the drive.
<sheepish grin>
\|||// Minds are like parachutes;
(@ @) They only work when open.
* Michael Thomson Email: mt53590@ggr.co.uk *
* Unix Specialist Internal: 782 2369 *
* Glaxo Wellcome External: 01438 762 369 *
* Stevenage, UK Fax: 01438 762 461 *
* .oooO Oooo. Mobile: 0498 725 047 *
*--( )---( )-----------------------------------*
\ ( ) / (Quote: Sir James Dewar)
_) (_/
> ----------
> From: Thomson, Michael (UK, GIS ISM Group for R&D)
> Sent: 05 November 1998 11:49
> To: 'support@netapp.com'
> Cc: 'toasters@mathworks.com'
> Subject: Changed DLT 4000 for DLT 7000 - how to get new storage
> density?
> Hi there.
> Last weekend we upgraded our DLT4700 (single DLT4000, 7 slots) for a
> Brece-Hill Q2.15 (two DLT 7000, 15 slots).
> We're reusing the CompacTape IV cartridges, but the new drives seem to
> recognise the old tapes as being written by a DLT4000, and don't use the
> higher density that the DLT7000 is capable of.
> Is there an easy way to re-initialise the tapes that'll allow us to use
> the maximum storage capacity?
> Details follow:
> First we check the status of the drive:
> Checking pre-dump status with: rsh -n <filer> mt -f nrst0a status
> Tape drive: Digital DLT7000
> Status: ready, write enabled
> Format: 85937 bpi 70 GB (w/comp)
> fileno = 0 blockno = 0 resid = 0
> This implies that it'll use the high density we're after...
> Then we do the dump
> rsh -n <filer> dump 0ufbB urst0a,urst0a,urst0a,nrst0a 63 30000000 /
> (Yes, I know the block count is low - we're trying to fix the problems
> without causing any EOT fun & games)
> Now after the dump is done, we load the tape into the drive, which reports
> A: Idle C 20.00G
> This says to me that the tape is still recorded at the DLT4000 density,
> albeit with compression.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Mike
> --
> \|||// Minds are like parachutes;
> (@ @) They only work when open.
> *---oOO-(_)-OOo------------------------------------*
> * Michael Thomson Email: mt53590@ggr.co.uk *
> * Unix Specialist Internal: 782 2369 *
> * Glaxo Wellcome External: 01438 762 369 *
> * Stevenage, UK Fax: 01438 762 461 *
> * .oooO Oooo. Mobile: 0498 725 047 *
> *--( )---( )-----------------------------------*
> \ ( ) / (Quote: Sir James Dewar)
> _) (_/