/* Shaun T. Erickson [ste@research.bell-labs.com] writes: */
That's not how it sounds. He specifically said "no" when asked if you need to upgrade the OS, and went on to give an example of a system that really doesn't need upgrading after installation. That's simply not true of a NetApp.
Correction... simply not true in your experience with a NetApp. Maybe I'm just lucky, maybe I just don't push my filers hard enough, but I've found little reason to upgrade. I had a filer running 4.3 until just about a month ago when we moved it's responsibilities to a new filer.
I know, and I don't seriously expect him to, either. But if he *had*, he'd know you have to upgrade them practically every time you turn around.
I've had to upgrade one of our new filers more often, but that is pretty much my own fault. I wanted some of the features of the pre-release version, so I guess I asked for that trouble. 5.3.2R1P1D1 is running well for me, though I'll probably upgrade when that tree becomes the official stable release.
Anyway... didn't mean for this thread to drag on...