Greg Mackinnon writes:
We currently are running OnTap 7.2.0 and not having fun with it. 7.2.1 contains many important fixes, but 7.2.1P1 has some critical fixes as well. I am getting fed up waiting for the next GA release, and I am willing to take the risk of running a patch build. The only problem... I cannot figure out how to download it!
In the past I have found patch release download links in the NOW KB when referencing a related bug number... not so this time.
Anyone know how to get the binaries? Open a support case? Bribe a NetApp tech?
Try the "Dowload Software" page, i.e.
and scroll to the bottom where there is a "To access a specific <pull-down-list> version, enter it here <box> [GO button]" entry. Pull down "Data ONTAP", fill in "7.2.1P1", click GO and you should be away. (Answer the inquisitive "why do you want this version?" questions on the next page as you see fit...)