Yes, it does, but I don't do C. Here it is if you want to have a look.
Brian Tao wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, E Hunter wrote:
Data: -1614.75 megabytes read (-5.19 megabytes per second) -2023.98 megabytes written (-6.51 megabytes per second) pm>finished at Wed Jan 12 04:27:17 EST 2000
Looks like a counter overflow in the bytes read and written. Does
postmark come with source?
Brian Tao (BT300, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
-- Eric Hunter System Administrator
_______________________, Inc. 1200 Brickell Ave. STE 680 Miami, FL 33131 Ph: +1 (305) 373 2002 Fax: +1 (305) 373 2034
Written by Jeffrey Katcher under contract to Network Appliance. Copyright (C) 1997 Network Appliance, Inc.
This code has been successfully compiled and run by Network Appliance on various platforms, including Solaris 2 on an Ultra-170, and Windows NT on a Compaq ProLiant. However, this PostMark source code is distributed under the Artistic License appended to the end of this file. As such, no support is provided. However, please report any errors to the author, Jeffrey Katcher, or to Andy Watson
Versions: 1.00 - Original release - 8/17/97 1.01 - Fixed endless loop on EOF, Divide by zero when file_size_high=file_size_low - 10/29/97 (Thanks to Chuck Murnane) 1.1 - Added new commands to distribute work across multiple directories and/or file systems and multiple work subdirectories.
Changed set location command (+,-) to allow file systems & weights Added set subdirectories command and code to distribute work across multiple subdirectories Added file redirect to show and run commands Improved help system - 4/8/98
1.11 - Fixed unfortunate problem where read_file opens in append mode thus avoiding actual reads. (Thanks to Kent Peacock)
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #include <direct.h>
#define GETWD(x) getcwd(x,MAX_LINE) #define MKDIR(x) mkdir(x) #define SEPARATOR "\" #else extern char *getwd();
#define GETWD(x) getwd(x) #define MKDIR(x) mkdir(x,0700) #define SEPARATOR "/" #endif
#define MAX_LINE 255 #define MAX_FILENAME 80
#define KILOBYTE 1024 #define MEGABYTE (1000*KILOBYTE)
#define PROMPT "pm>"
#define RND(x) ((x>0)?(refrng_rand() % (x)):0)
typedef struct { /* ADT for table of CLI commands */ char *name; /* name of command */ int (*func)(); /* pointer to callback function */ char *help; /* descriptive help string */ } cmd;
extern int cli_set_size(); extern int cli_set_number(); extern int cli_set_seed(); extern int cli_set_transactions(); extern int cli_set_location(); extern int cli_set_subdirs(); extern int cli_set_read(); extern int cli_set_write(); extern int cli_set_buffering(); extern int cli_set_bias_read(); extern int cli_set_bias_create();
extern int cli_run(); extern int cli_show(); extern int cli_help(); extern int cli_quit();
cmd command_list[]={ /* table of CLI commands */ {"set size",cli_set_size,"Sets low and high bounds of files"}, {"set number",cli_set_number,"Sets number of simultaneous files"}, {"set seed",cli_set_seed,"Sets seed for random number generator"}, {"set transactions",cli_set_transactions,"Sets number of transactions"}, {"set location",cli_set_location,"Sets location of working files"}, {"set subdirectories",cli_set_subdirs,"Sets number of subdirectories"}, {"set read",cli_set_read,"Sets read block size"}, {"set write",cli_set_write,"Sets write block size"}, {"set buffering",cli_set_buffering,"Sets usage of buffered I/O"}, {"set bias read",cli_set_bias_read, "Sets the chance of choosing read over append"}, {"set bias create",cli_set_bias_create, "Sets the chance of choosing create over delete"}, {"run",cli_run,"Runs one iteration of benchmark"}, {"show",cli_show,"Displays current configuration"}, {"help",cli_help,"Prints out available commands"}, {"quit",cli_quit,"Exit program"}, NULL };
/* Counters */ int files_created; /* number of files created */ int files_deleted; /* number of files deleted */ int files_read; /* number of files read */ int files_appended; /* number of files appended */ int bytes_written; /* number of bytes written to files */ int bytes_read; /* number of bytes read from files */
/* Configurable Parameters */ int file_size_low=500; int file_size_high=10000; /* file size: fixed or random within range */ int simultaneous=500; /* simultaneous files */ int seed=42; /* random number generator seed */ int transactions=500; /* number of transactions */ int subdirectories=0; /* Number of subdirectories */ int read_block_size=512; /* I/O block sizes */ int write_block_size=512; int bias_read=5; /* chance of picking read over append */ int bias_create=5; /* chance of picking create over delete */ int buffered_io=1; /* use C library buffered I/O */
/* Working Storage */ char *file_source; /* pointer to buffer of random text */
typedef struct { char name[MAX_FILENAME+1]; /* name of individual file */ int size; /* current size of file, 0 = unused file slot */ } file_entry;
file_entry *file_table; /* table of files in use */ int file_allocated; /* pointer to last allocated slot in file_table */
typedef struct file_system_struct { file_entry system; struct file_system_struct *next,*prev; } file_system;
file_system *file_systems; /* table of file systems/directories to use */ int file_system_weight; /* sum of weights for all file systems */ int file_system_count; /* number of configured file systems */ char **location_index; /* weighted index of file systems */
char *read_buffer; /* temporary space for reading file data into */
static unsigned long int refrng_next=1; /* state variable for random numbers */
/* portable standard random number generator - returns integers from 0 to 2^32 */ int refrng_rand() { refrng_next=refrng_next*1103515245+12345; return((unsigned int)(refrng_next/65536) % 32768); }
/* set seed for portable standard random number generator */ void refrng_srand(seed) unsigned int seed; { refrng_next=seed; }
/* converts integer values to byte/kilobyte/megabyte strings */ char *scale(i) int i; { static char buffer[MAX_LINE]; /* storage for current conversion */
if (i/MEGABYTE) sprintf(buffer,"%.2f megabytes",(float)i/MEGABYTE); else if (i/KILOBYTE) sprintf(buffer,"%.2f kilobytes",(float)i/KILOBYTE); else sprintf(buffer,"%d bytes",i);
return(buffer); }
/* UI callback for 'set size' command - sets range of file sizes */ int cli_set_size(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { char *token; int size;
if (param && (size=atoi(param))>0) { file_size_low=size; if ((token=strchr(param,' ')) && (size=atoi(token))>0 && size>=file_size_low) file_size_high=size; else file_size_high=file_size_low; } else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no file size low or high bounds specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set number' command - sets number of files to create */ int cli_set_number(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int size;
if (param && (size=atoi(param))>0) simultaneous=size; else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no file number specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set seed' command - initial value for random number gen */ int cli_set_seed(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int size;
if (param && (size=atoi(param))>0) seed=size; else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no random number seed specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set transactions' - configure number of transactions */ int cli_set_transactions(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int size;
if (param && (size=atoi(param))>0) transactions=size; else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no transactions specified\n");
return(1); }
int parse_weight(params) char *params; { int weight=1; char *split;
if (split=strrchr(params,' ')) { *split='\0'; if ((weight=atoi(split+1))<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: ignoring invalid weight '%s'\n",split+1); weight=1; } }
return(weight); }
void add_location(params,weight) char *params; int weight; { file_system *new_file_system;
if (new_file_system=(file_system *)calloc(1,sizeof(file_system))) { strcpy(new_file_system->,params); new_file_system->system.size=weight;
if (file_systems) { new_file_system->prev=file_systems->prev; file_systems->prev->next=new_file_system; file_systems->prev=new_file_system; } else { new_file_system->prev=new_file_system; file_systems=new_file_system; }
file_system_weight+=weight; file_system_count++; } }
void delete_location(loc_name) char *loc_name; { file_system *traverse;
for (traverse=file_systems; traverse; traverse=traverse->next) if (!strcmp(traverse->,loc_name)) { file_system_weight-=traverse->system.size; file_system_count--;
if (file_systems->prev==file_systems) { free(file_systems); file_systems=NULL; } else { if (file_systems->prev==traverse) file_systems->prev=traverse->prev;
if (traverse==file_systems) file_systems=file_systems->next; else traverse->prev->next=traverse->next;
if (traverse->next) traverse->next->prev=traverse->prev;
free(traverse); }
break; }
if (!traverse) fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot find location '%s'\n",loc_name); }
void delete_locations() { file_system *next;
while (file_systems) { next=file_systems->next; free(file_systems); file_systems=next; }
file_system_weight=0; file_system_count=0; }
/* UI callback for 'set location' - configure current working directory */ int cli_set_location(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { if (param) { switch (*param) { case '+': /* add location to list */ add_location(param+1,parse_weight(param+1)); break;
case '-': /* remove location from list */ delete_location(param+1); break;
default: delete_locations(); add_location(param,parse_weight(param)); } } else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no directory name specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set subdirectories' - configure number of subdirectories */ int cli_set_subdirs(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int subdirs;
if (param && (subdirs=atoi(param))>=0) subdirectories=subdirs; else fprintf(stderr,"Error: invalid number of subdirectories specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set read' - configure read block size (integer) */ int cli_set_read(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int size;
if (param && (size=atoi(param))>0) read_block_size=size; else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no block size specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set write' - configure write block size (integer) */ int cli_set_write(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int size;
if (param && (size=atoi(param))>0) write_block_size=size; else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no block size specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set buffering' - sets buffering mode on or off - true = buffered I/O (default), false = raw I/O */ int cli_set_buffering(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { if (param && (!strcmp(param,"true") || !strcmp(param,"false"))) buffered_io=(!strcmp(param,"true"))?1:0; else fprintf(stderr,"Error: no buffering mode (true/false) specified\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set bias read' - sets probability of read vs. append */ int cli_set_bias_read(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int value;
if (param && (value=atoi(param))>=-1 && value<=10) bias_read=value; else fprintf(stderr, "Error: no bias specified (0-10 for greater chance,-1 to disable)\n");
return(1); }
/* UI callback for 'set bias create' - sets probability of create vs. delete */ int cli_set_bias_create(param) char *param; /* remainder of command line */ { int value;
if (param && (value=atoi(param))>=-1 && value<=10) bias_create=value; else fprintf(stderr, "Error: no bias specified (0-10 for greater chance,-1 to disable)\n");
return(1); }
/* populate file source buffer with 'size' bytes of readable randomness */ char *initialize_file_source(size) int size; /* number of bytes of junk to create */ { char *new_source; int i;
if ((new_source=(char *)malloc(size))==NULL) /* allocate buffer */ fprintf(stderr,"Error: failed to allocate source file of size %d\n",size); else for (i=0; i<size; i++) /* file buffer with junk */ new_source[i]=32+RND(95);
return(new_source); }
/* returns differences in times - 1 second is the minimum to avoid divide by zero errors */ time_t diff_time(t1,t0) time_t t1; time_t t0; { return((t1-=t0)?t1:1); }
/* prints out results from running transactions */ void print_report(fp,end_time,start_time,t_end_time,t_start_time,deleted) FILE *fp; time_t end_time,start_time,t_end_time,t_start_time; /* timers from run */ int deleted; /* files deleted back-to-back */ { time_t elapsed,t_elapsed; int interval;
elapsed=diff_time(end_time,start_time); t_elapsed=diff_time(t_end_time,t_start_time);
fprintf(fp,"Time:\n"); fprintf(fp,"\t%d seconds total\n",elapsed); fprintf(fp,"\t%d seconds of transactions (%d per second)\n",t_elapsed, transactions/t_elapsed);
fprintf(fp,"\nFiles:\n"); fprintf(fp,"\t%d created (%d per second)\n",files_created, files_created/elapsed);
interval=diff_time(t_start_time,start_time); fprintf(fp,"\t\tCreation alone: %d files (%d per second)\n",simultaneous, simultaneous/interval); fprintf(fp,"\t\tMixed with transactions: %d files (%d per second)\n", files_created-simultaneous,(files_created-simultaneous)/t_elapsed); fprintf(fp,"\t%d read (%d per second)\n",files_read,files_read/t_elapsed); fprintf(fp,"\t%d appended (%d per second)\n",files_appended, files_appended/t_elapsed); fprintf(fp,"\t%d deleted (%d per second)\n",files_created, files_created/elapsed);
interval=diff_time(end_time,t_end_time); fprintf(fp,"\t\tDeletion alone: %d files (%d per second)\n",deleted, deleted/interval); fprintf(fp,"\t\tMixed with transactions: %d files (%d per second)\n", files_deleted-deleted,(files_deleted-deleted)/t_elapsed);
fprintf(fp,"\nData:\n"); fprintf(fp,"\t%s read ",scale(bytes_read)); fprintf(fp,"(%s per second)\n",scale(bytes_read/elapsed)); fprintf(fp,"\t%s written ",scale(bytes_written)); fprintf(fp,"(%s per second)\n",scale(bytes_written/elapsed)); }
/* returns file_table entry of unallocated file - if not at end of table, then return next entry - else search table for gaps */ int find_free_file() { int i;
if (file_allocated<simultaneous<<1 && file_table[file_allocated].size==0) return(file_allocated++); else /* search entire table for holes */ for (i=0; i<simultaneous<<1; i++) if (file_table[i].size==0) { file_allocated=i; return(file_allocated++); }
return(-1); /* return -1 only if no free files found */ }
/* write 'size' bytes to file 'fd' using unbuffered I/O */ void write_blocks(fd,size) int fd; int size; /* bytes to write to file */ { int offset=0; /* offset into file */ int i;
/* write even blocks */ for (i=size; i>=write_block_size; i-=write_block_size,offset+=write_block_size) write(fd,file_source+offset,write_block_size);
write(fd,file_source+offset,i); /* write remainder */
bytes_written+=size; /* update counter */ }
/* write 'size' bytes to file 'fp' using buffered I/O */ void fwrite_blocks(fp,size) FILE *fp; int size; /* bytes to write to file */ { int offset=0; /* offset into file */ int i;
/* write even blocks */ for (i=size; i>=write_block_size; i-=write_block_size,offset+=write_block_size) fwrite(file_source+offset,write_block_size,1,fp);
fwrite(file_source+offset,i,1,fp); /* write remainder */
bytes_written+=size; /* update counter */ }
void create_file_name(dest) char *dest; { char conversion[MAX_LINE+1];
*dest='\0'; if (file_system_count) { strcat(dest, location_index[(file_system_count==1)?0:RND(file_system_weight)]); strcat(dest,SEPARATOR); }
if (subdirectories>1) { sprintf(conversion,"s%d%s",RND(subdirectories),SEPARATOR); strcat(dest,conversion); }
sprintf(conversion,"%d",++files_created); strcat(dest,conversion); }
/* creates new file of specified length and fills it with data */ void create_file(buffered) int buffered; /* 1=buffered I/O (default), 0=unbuffered I/O */ { FILE *fp=NULL; int fd=-1; int free_file; /* file_table slot for new file */
if ((free_file=find_free_file())!=-1) /* if file space is available */ { /* decide on name and initial length */ create_file_name(file_table[free_file].name);
file_table[free_file].size= file_size_low+RND(file_size_high-file_size_low);
if (buffered) fp=fopen(file_table[free_file].name,"w"); else fd=open(file_table[free_file].name,O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0644);
if (fp || fd!=-1) { if (buffered) { fwrite_blocks(fp,file_table[free_file].size); fclose(fp); } else { write_blocks(fd,file_table[free_file].size); close(fd); } } else fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot open '%s' for writing\n", file_table[free_file].name); } }
/* deletes specified file from disk and file_table */ void delete_file(number) int number; { if (file_table[number].size) { if (remove(file_table[number].name)) fprintf(stderr,"Error: Cannot delete '%s'\n",file_table[number].name); else { /* reset entry in file_table and update counter */ file_table[number].size=0; files_deleted++; } } }
/* reads entire specified file into temporary buffer */ void read_file(number,buffered) int number; /* number of file to read (from file_table) */ int buffered; /* 1=buffered I/O (default), 0=unbuffered I/O */ { FILE *fp=NULL; int fd=-1; int i;
if (buffered) fp=fopen(file_table[number].name,"r"); else fd=open(file_table[number].name,O_RDONLY,0644);
if (fp || fd!=-1) { /* read as many blocks as possible then read the remainder */ if (buffered) { for (i=file_table[number].size; i>=read_block_size; i-=read_block_size) fread(read_buffer,read_block_size,1,fp);
fclose(fp); } else { for (i=file_table[number].size; i>=read_block_size; i-=read_block_size) read(fd,read_buffer,read_block_size);
close(fd); }
/* increment counters to record transaction */ bytes_read+=file_table[number].size; files_read++; } else fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot open '%s' for reading\n", file_table[number].name); }
/* appends random data to a chosen file up to the maximum configured length */ void append_file(number,buffered) int number; /* number of file (from file_table) to append date to */ int buffered; /* 1=buffered I/O (default), 0=unbuffered I/O */ { FILE *fp=NULL; int fd=-1; int block; /* size of data to append */
if (file_table[number].size<file_size_high) { if (buffered) fp=fopen(file_table[number].name,"a"); else fd=open(file_table[number].name,O_RDWR|O_APPEND,0644);
if ((fp || fd!=-1) && file_table[number].size<file_size_high) { block=RND(file_size_high-file_table[number].size)+1;
if (buffered) { fwrite_blocks(fp,block); fclose(fp); } else { write_blocks(fd,block); close(fd); }
file_table[number].size+=block; files_appended++; } else fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot open '%s' for append\n", file_table[number].name); } }
/* finds and returns the offset of a file that is in use from the file_table */ int find_used_file() /* only called after files are created */ { int used_file;
while (file_table[used_file=RND(simultaneous<<1)].size==0) ;
return(used_file); }
/* reset global counters - done before each test run */ void reset_counters() { files_created=0; files_deleted=0; files_read=0; files_appended=0; bytes_written=0; bytes_read=0; }
/* perform the configured number of file transactions - a transaction consisted of either a read or append and either a create or delete all chosen at random */ void run_transactions(buffered) int buffered; /* 1=buffered I/O (default), 0=unbuffered I/O */ { int percent; /* one tenth of the specified transactions */ int i;
percent=transactions/10; for (i=0; i<transactions; i++) { if (bias_read!=-1) /* if read/append not locked out... */ { if (RND(10)<bias_read) /* read file */ read_file(find_used_file(),buffered); else /* append file */ append_file(find_used_file(),buffered); }
if (bias_create!=-1) /* if create/delete not locked out... */ { if (RND(10)<bias_create) /* create file */ create_file(buffered); else /* delete file */ delete_file(find_used_file()); }
if ((i % percent)==0) /* if another tenth of the work is done...*/ { putchar('.'); /* print progress indicator */ fflush(stdout); } } }
char **build_location_index(list,weight) file_system *list; int weight; { char **index; int count; int i=0;
if ((index=(char **)calloc(1,weight*sizeof(char *)))==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot build weighted index of locations\n"); else for (; list; list=list->next) for (count=0; count<list->system.size; count++) index[i++]=list->;
return(index); }
void create_subdirectories(dir_list,base_dir,subdirs) file_system *dir_list; char *base_dir; int subdirs; { char dir_name[MAX_LINE+1]; /* buffer holding subdirectory names */ char save_dir[MAX_LINE+1]; int i;
if (dir_list) { for (; dir_list; dir_list=dir_list->next) create_subdirectories(NULL,dir_list->,subdirs); } else { if (base_dir) sprintf(save_dir,"%s%s",base_dir,SEPARATOR); else *save_dir='\0';
for (i=0; i<subdirs; i++) { sprintf(dir_name,"%ss%d",save_dir,i); MKDIR(dir_name); } } }
void delete_subdirectories(dir_list,base_dir,subdirs) file_system *dir_list; char *base_dir; int subdirs; { char dir_name[MAX_LINE+1]; /* buffer holding subdirectory names */ char save_dir[MAX_LINE+1]; int i;
if (dir_list) { for (; dir_list; dir_list=dir_list->next) delete_subdirectories(NULL,dir_list->,subdirs); } else { if (base_dir) sprintf(save_dir,"%s%s",base_dir,SEPARATOR); else *save_dir='\0';
for (i=0; i<subdirs; i++) { sprintf(dir_name,"%ss%d",save_dir,i); rmdir(dir_name); } } }
/* CLI callback for 'run' - benchmark execution loop */ int cli_run(param) /* none */ char *param; /* unused */ { time_t start_time,t_start_time,t_end_time,end_time; /* elapsed timers */ int delete_base; /* snapshot of deleted files counter */ FILE *fp=NULL; /* file descriptor for directing output */ int i; /* generic iterator */
reset_counters(); /* reset counters before each run */
refrng_srand(seed); /* initialize random number generator */
/* allocate file space and fill with junk */ file_source=initialize_file_source(file_size_high<<1);
/* allocate read buffer */ read_buffer=(char *)malloc(read_block_size);
/* allocate table of files at 2 x simultaneous files */ file_allocated=0; if ((file_table=(file_entry *)calloc(simultaneous<<1,sizeof(file_entry)))== NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Error: Failed to allocate table for %d files\n", simultaneous<<1);
if (file_system_count>0) location_index=build_location_index(file_systems,file_system_weight);
/* create subdirectories if necessary */ if (subdirectories>1) { printf("Creating subdirectories..."); fflush(stdout); create_subdirectories(file_systems,NULL,subdirectories); printf("Done\n"); }
time(&start_time); /* store start time */
/* create files in specified directory until simultaneous number */ printf("Creating files..."); fflush(stdout); for (i=0; i<simultaneous; i++) create_file(buffered_io); printf("Done\n");
printf("Performing transactions"); fflush(stdout); time(&t_start_time); run_transactions(buffered_io); time(&t_end_time); printf("Done\n");
/* delete remaining files */ printf("Deleting files..."); fflush(stdout); delete_base=files_deleted; for (i=0; i<simultaneous<<1; i++) delete_file(i); printf("Done\n");
/* print end time and difference, transaction numbers */ time(&end_time);
/* delete previously created subdirectories */ if (subdirectories>1) { printf("Deleting subdirectories..."); fflush(stdout); delete_subdirectories(file_systems,NULL,subdirectories); printf("Done\n"); }
if (location_index) { free(location_index); location_index=NULL; }
if (param) if ((fp=fopen(param,"a"))==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Error: Cannot direct output to file '%s'\n",param);
if (!fp) fp=stdout;
print_report(fp,end_time,start_time,t_end_time,t_start_time, files_deleted-delete_base);
if (param && fp!=stdout) fclose(fp);
/* free resources allocated for this run */ free(file_table); free(read_buffer); free(file_source);
return(1); /* return 1 unless exit requested, then return 0 */ }
/* CLI callback for 'show' - print values of configuration variables */ int cli_show(param) char *param; /* optional: name of output file */ { char current_dir[MAX_LINE+1]; /* buffer containing working directory */ file_system *traverse; FILE *fp=NULL; /* file descriptor for directing output */
if (param) if ((fp=fopen(param,"a"))==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Error: Cannot direct output to file '%s'\n",param);
if (!fp) fp=stdout;
fprintf(fp,"Current configuration is:\n"); fprintf(fp,"Transactions: %d\n",transactions); fprintf(fp,"Files range between %s ",scale(file_size_low)); fprintf(fp,"and %s in size\n",scale(file_size_high)); fprintf(fp,"Random number generator seed is %d\n",seed); fprintf(fp,"The base number of files is %d\n",simultaneous); fprintf(fp,"Working director%s: %s\n",(file_system_count>1)?"ies":"y", (file_system_count==0)?GETWD(current_dir):"");
for (traverse=file_systems; traverse; traverse=traverse->next) printf("\t%s (weight=%d)\n",traverse->,traverse->system.size);
fprintf(fp,"%d subdirector%s will be used\n",subdirectories, (subdirectories==1)?"y":"ies"); fprintf(fp,"Block sizes are: read=%s, ",scale(read_block_size)); fprintf(fp,"write=%s\n",scale(write_block_size)); fprintf(fp,"Biases are: read/append=%d, create/delete=%d\n",bias_read, bias_create); fprintf(fp,"%ssing Unix buffered file I/O\n",buffered_io?"U":"Not u");
if (param && fp!=stdout) fclose(fp);
return(1); /* return 1 unless exit requested, then return 0 */ }
/* CLI callback for 'quit' - returns 0 causing UI to exit */ int cli_quit(param) /* none */ char *param; /* unused */ { return(0); /* return 1 unless exit requested, then return 0 */ }
/* CLI callback for 'help' - prints help strings from command_list */ int cli_help(param) char *param; /* optional: specific command to get help for */ { int i; /* traversal variable for command table */
if (param) /* if a command is specified... */ for (i=0; command_list[i].name; i++) /* walk command table */ if (!strcmp(command_list[i].name,param)) { printf("%s - %s\n",command_list[i].name,command_list[i].help); break; }
if (!param || !command_list[i].name) for (i=0; command_list[i].name; i++) /* traverse command table */ printf("%s - %s\n",command_list[i].name,command_list[i].help);
return(1); /* return 1 unless exit requested, then return 0 */ }
/* read CLI line from user, translate aliases if any, return fgets status */ char *cli_read_line(buffer,size) char *buffer; /* empty input line */ int size; { char *result;
printf("%s",PROMPT); /* print prompt */ fflush(stdout); /* force prompt to print */ if (result=fgets(buffer,size,stdin)) /* read line safely */ { buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]='\0'; /* delete final CR */ if (!strcmp(buffer,"?")) /* translate aliases */ strcpy(buffer,"help"); if (!strcmp(buffer,"exit")) strcpy(buffer,"quit"); }
return(result); /* return success of fgets */ }
/* parse CLI input line */ int cli_parse_line(buffer) char *buffer; /* line of user input */ { int result=1; /* default return status */ int len; /* length of parsed command */ int i; /* traversal variable for command table */
if (*buffer=='!') /* check for shell escape */ system((strlen(buffer)>1)?buffer+1:getenv("SHELL")); else { for (i=0; command_list[i].name; i++) /* walk command table */ if (!strncmp(command_list[i].name,buffer, len=strlen(command_list[i].name))) { /* if command matches... */ result=(command_list[i].func) (((int)strlen(buffer)>len)?buffer+len+1:NULL); break; /* call function and pass remainder of line as parameter */ }
if (!command_list[i].name) /* if no commands were called... */ printf("Eh?\n"); /* tribute to Canadian diction */ }
return(result); /* return 1 unless exit requested, then return 0 */ }
/* read config file if present and process it line by line - if 'quit' is in file then function returns 0 */ int read_config_file(filename,buffer) char *filename; /* file name of config file */ char *buffer; /* temp storage for each line read from file */ { int result=1; /* default exit value - proceed with UI */ FILE *fp;
if (fp=fopen(filename,"r")) /* open config file */ { printf("Reading configuration from file '%s'\n",filename); while (fgets(buffer,MAX_LINE,fp) && result) /* read lines until 'quit' */ { buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]='\0'; /* delete final CR */ result=cli_parse_line(buffer); /* process line as typed in */ }
fclose(fp); }
return(result); }
/* main function - reads config files then enters get line/parse line loop */ void main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char buffer[MAX_LINE+1]; /* storage for input command line */
printf("PostMark v1.11 : 4/8/98\n"); if (read_config_file((argc==2)?argv[1]:".pmrc",buffer)) while (cli_read_line(buffer,MAX_LINE) && cli_parse_line(buffer)) ; }
The "Artistic License"
The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a Package may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less customary fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications.
"Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through textual modification.
"Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified, or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright Holder as specified below.
"Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for the package.
"You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package.
"Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the basis of media cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You will not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.)
"Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they received it.
1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when you changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or an equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive site such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict with standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly documents how it differs from the Standard Version.
d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files, together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where to get the Standard Version.
b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of the Package with your modifications.
c) give non-standard executables non-standard names, and clearly document the differences in manual pages (or equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the Standard Version.
d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. You may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However, you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a larger (possibly commercial) software distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a product of your own. You may embed this Package's interpreter within an executable of yours (by linking); this shall be construed as a mere form of aggregation, provided that the complete Standard Version of the interpreter is so embedded.
6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall under the copyright of this Package, but belong to whomever generated them, and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this Package. If such scripts or library files are aggregated with this Package via the so-called "undump" or "unexec" methods of producing a binary executable image, then distribution of such an image shall neither be construed as a distribution of this Package nor shall it fall under the restrictions of Paragraphs 3 and 4, provided that you do not represent such an executable image as a Standard Version of this Package.
7. C subroutines (or comparably compiled subroutines in other languages) supplied by you and linked into this Package in order to emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this Package shall not be considered part of this Package, but are the equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6, provided these subroutines do not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the regression tests for the language.
8. Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded; that is, when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's interfaces visible to the end user of the commercial distribution. Such use shall not be construed as a distribution of this Package.
9. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
The End