*** Sto RageĀ© netbacker@gmail.com *** [2005-12-29 14:32:05]: Not sure what your question is, but you can add OSSV hosts the Backup tab. At the right most end in "Add a new backup" you should see an icon that takes you to add a new primart host page or you can use this link, replace it with your DFM host name: http://your-DFM-host:8080/dfbm/edit/primary-hosts
hhmh, that seemed to have worked, however, everything whows up with "no status" in the Backup summary page. On the other hand "snapvault status" on the secondary neartsore show that OSSV is succeeding.
Guess time to call NetApp support and dig a little deeper ...
Normally if an OSSV agent is installed and its on the same subnet as the DFM server, DFM will discover it within a few hours. Make sure you enter a ndmp user name and password when you install OSSV agents.
systems are in different networks :-(
After the host has been discovered/added, you can then create a new backup relationship or import existing relationships.
good hint. reading the helpfile though makes me believe that "importing" means: you disable the snapvault snap sched and snap sched and let then DFM issue the update commands? Not sure if I like this approach - making the snapvault update depend on the availability of DFM ...
BTW, how many OSSV clients do you have?
2 right now, 10 more coming, distribute all over North America, snapvaulting back to San Jose, CA ....
Cheers --pwo
On 12/29/05, Peter W. Osel pwo@infineon.com wrote:
Happy Holidays,
I am wondering how to add OSSV W2K3 systems to DFM? Is there somewhere a HOWTO, README, knowledgebase article, chapter in the DFM documentation, .., that describes what the prerequisites are (W2K3, SNMP, NDMP enabled on the windows systems?, ...?) and what the process is to add such systems and then to monitor the OSSV updates? A followuo question would then be, how to send an alarm if OSSV updates fail.
I took a brief look at now.netapp.com, but did not find anything right away.
Any pointer, hint, ideas how to do this?
Cheers --pwo
-- Peter W. Osel | pwo@Infineon.COM | pwo@pwo.de | http://pwo.de/ pgp key fingerprint = 79 2D DD 49 C0 AA D8 CF 2C F9 A5 6A BA 37 0E 28