in the syslog messages in FilerView is nothing about nfs. in the /etc/log/ems is a littlebit about nfs, but only lines like this:
<LR d="20Aug2007 07:33:08" n="sodn02x" pn="sodn01x" t="1187587988" id="1184669953/106342" p="7" s="C=1U" o="ExportPool00" vf="erpvfiler"> <kern_syslog_msg_3 msg="Client erlm5p1x (xid 313175200), matches to erlm5p1x for misc access" vfilerName="erpvfiler"/> </LR> <LR d="20Aug2007 07:33:08" n="sodn02x" pn="sodn01x" t="1187587988" id="1184669953/106343" p="7" s="C=1U" o="ExportPool00" vf="erpvfiler"> <kern_syslog_msg_3 msg="Key erlm5p1x (xid 313175200), group ptdsiscon is not found in netgroup med for misc access" vfilerName="erpvfiler"/> </LR> <LR d="23Aug2007 17:14:28" n="sodn02x" pn="sodn01x" t="1187882068" id="1184669953/131313" p="7" s="C=1U" o="MNTPool08" vf=""> <kern_syslog_msg_3 msg="Client (xid 102334387) in mount, does not have access rights to path /vol/vol0/delme_schaar" vfilerName=""/> </LR>
but this is not really usefull vor debugging. Is there no logfile, about the transactions?
here a little example:
the sunlogfile show me:
Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 277861 kern.notice] NFS write error on host erpvfiler: error 145.
now i look at the /etc/log/ems:
there is no mathing entry to this timestamp +-5min
and one look in /etc/messages:
no entry from 19:00 to 20:00
can we say, if the filer had an error, there where entrys? can i say to the sunteam, it's not the filers fault?
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Holland, William L [mailto:HollandWL@state.gov] Gesendet: Freitag, 24. August 2007 13:03 An: Zeitschel, Philipp Betreff: RE: nfs logging / debugging
Look at the syslog messages in FilerView. They will look very similar in format to your sun messages.
-----Original Message----- From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On Behalf Of Zeitschel, Philipp Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 5:46 AM To: toasters@mathworks.com Subject: AW: nfs logging / debugging
i've got problems, with a sun machine, here are the log:
Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 277861 kern.notice] NFS write error on host erpvfiler: error 145. Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 702911 kern.notice] (file handle: 22018100 bcf22707 20080000 17bf48b 62c93907 7a7133b9 40000000 70a27100) Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 664466 kern.notice] NFS write failed for server erpvfiler: error 5 (RPC: Timed out) Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 last message repeated 2 times Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 277861 kern.notice] NFS write error on host erpvfiler: error 145. Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 last message repeated 2 times Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 702911 kern.notice] (file handle: 22018100 bcf22707 20080000 17bf48b 62c93907 7a7133b9 40000000 70a27100) Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 last message repeated 2 times Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 664466 kern.notice] NFS write failed for server erpvfiler: error 5 (RPC: Timed out) Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 last message repeated 1 time Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 277861 kern.notice] NFS write error on host erpvfiler: error 145. Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 664466 kern.notice] NFS write failed for server erpvfiler: error 5 (RPC: Timed out) Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 277861 kern.notice] NFS write error on host erpvfiler: error 145. Aug 22 19:20:46 rd2c03 nfs: [ID 702911 kern.notice] (file handle: fc8f7200 c7e2b006 20080000 1e0617a 8573af12 7a7133b9 40000000 70a27100)
and so on....
i wanna see, what the filer says on this times, is it a network problem, or an nfs server problem. But where is the advanced (if there is one) nfs logging?
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Blake Golliher [mailto:thelastman@gmail.com] Gesendet: Freitag, 24. August 2007 11:00 An: Zeitschel, Philipp Cc: toasters@mathworks.com Betreff: Re: nfs logging / debugging
It might help to know what problem you are having. Usually /etc/messages has enough information to get started on with most problems.
On 8/24/07, Zeitschel, Philipp
philipp.zeitschel@siemens.com wrote:
I'm new to this list, and my english is not very well...
i've got some nfs problems, so i wan't to read some
log's. With the
option nfs.mountd.trace on the filer logs some stuff to
is that right?
the ems log, looks like some pseudo xml, is there a
special tool to
analyze the file?
are there other possibilitys to debug nfs on the filer?
NetApp Release 7.2.3