While I sit on hold at netapp, I'm just wondering if anybody's out there.
I have a filer running 5.3, and I was trying one of the tips on the Netapp web page about making one of the interfaces a primary for CIFS, by rearranging things in /etc/rc, and while all I did was move one of the 2 ifconfig lines, something is boobered up now, and the filer dies with:
Sat May 1 11:27:51 PDT [rc]: de_main: e10 : Link down. Sat May 1 11:27:51 PDT [rc]: de_main: e10 : Link down. Sat May 1 11:27:52 PDT [rc]: timed: time daemon started Sat May 1 11:27:52 PDT [Java Thread]: TimeDaemon: Can't connect to time server '' NFS server is running. timed not found. Type '?' for a list of commands quota: vol0: run 'quota off' before 'quota on'.
PANIC: ../common/nbt/nbns_receive.c:207: Assertion failure. on Sat May 1 18:27: 53 1999
version: NetApp Release 5.3: Thu Apr 1 11:18:39 PST 1999 cc flags: 1 dumping core: ..................................................Old core present on disk --- not dumped.
Anyway, I guess I'll try some floppies, and see how far I get while I wait...
Any tips appreciated.