We have a NetApp F760 running ONTAP 5.3.5 and the Legato NetWorker ClientPak for NetApp, release 5.5 that we are configuring for deployment. In my initial tests I have been able to setup the NetApp as a Legato client, schedule backups from our Legato server, do manual backups from the admin host's mount point of specific NetApp volumes and restore entire save sets.
My problem/question concerns individual file restores. How does one determine if a specific file is in a specific save set? The Legato NetApp client docs state the you can use the mminfo command on the Legato host and specify file names (mminfo -c filer_name -N /vol/volx/file_name) but both empirical tests and the mminfo manpage show that the -N option is for the save set name (such as /vol/vol0 or /vol/vol1) and no individual file information is returned. The results are essentially the same as using the Indexes button of nwadmin, you get a list of save set names and save set ids. I have been able to restore a single file (na_recover -s nsrhost -S ssid -a /vol/vol0/qtree_name/filename) by listing each different ssid until the request succeeds.
It looks like we will depend on snapshots for individual file restores and treat the Legato backups as "disaster recovery" only.
-- Roger Hackett ACS-GSG Minerals Management Service - Gulf of Mexico Region U.S. Department of the Interior roger.hackett@mms.gov