Gotcha. From memory the flex_scale license was tied to the original PAMI cards, but I could be wrong. Don't worry though, as long as that option is enabled and the license is installed then the FlashCache cards are active. If you want to graphically monitor their performance look back to my response to Fletcher in the "Installing & Testing Flash Cache cards" thread. I linked a KB article that walks you through enabling a FlashCache view in Performance Advisor.
-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Cleverley [] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 5:11 PM To: Chris Muellner Cc: Subject: Re: Flex_scale licensing question.
I have already enabled the flexscale option. I just wasn't sure if it was really doing anything since I didn't have a flex_scale license :-) I couldn't find anything that said a PAMII license was the same as the flex_scale license.
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Chris Muellner wrote:
You need to turn on the flexscale.enable option in order to activate the FlashCache (PAMII) modules in your controllers, otherwise they won't actually do anything. The pamii or flash_cahce license simply gives you the ability to enable that flexscale option, but just because the license is present does not mean the cards are actually activated and on.
flexscale.enable on
Also, the Master Licenses for FlashCache are free and can be found on the NOW site here:
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jeff Cleverley Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:55 PM To: Subject: Flex_scale licensing question.
I'm confused about the flex_scale licensing. We have installed PAMII modules in 2 of our clusters running 7.3.x. We have a license for pamii, but not for flex_scale. To manage the extended cache, it has us set options. Since we don't have flex_scale licensed, are these options doing any good at all?
I didn't know if flex_scale was tied to the old flashcache modules and pamii now incorporates the same thing for the new PAMII cards.
-- Jeff Cleverley Unix Systems Administrator 4380 Ziegler Road Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 970-288-4611 _______________________________________________ Toasters mailing list
-- Jeff Cleverley Unix Systems Administrator 4380 Ziegler Road Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 970-288-4611