One other point to emphasize is that power supplies are fairly reliable devices and a redundant supply can be purchased for even greater protection.
-----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 10:51 AM To: george@YorkU.CA Cc: Subject: Re: Q: lose shelf power supply
Could someone please explain what happens when you loose a single power supply in a shelf?
Is the filer smart (dumb) enough to halt? Do I get 'double disk error' and loose the filesystem?
The filer does the "right thing:"
If there's a double disk failure in a single RAID group, you have definitely lost the file system, at least for now, and the filer tells you so. However, it immediately stops writing to the filed file system, so that it doesn't screw things up in case you do find those failed disks.
So in the case you are talking about, the filesystem will appear to fail, but if you replace the failed power supply, everything should be okay again. (I don't know whether or not this sequence causes/requires a reboot. My guess would be that it does.)