suppose you have a qtree named myque suppose you have two subdirectory under myque such as dir1 and dir2
for the moment, netapp do support a quota for the whole qtree myque i.e. no more than 50G for the whole myque tree for exemple this mean 50G is also a limit for dir1 and dir2 and everything else inside the qtree myque such that sum of files and dir inside myque is no more than 50G
finer quotas that would permit different quota for dir1 and dir2 are still not available finer quotas is expected by numerous administer I know but doesn't seem currently to be in the netapp roadmap so we have to wait
the only time I was able to workaround this problem was a little trick : it is only possible with the use of unix symlinks, so you do have to have the NFS license 1 - make a qtree "dirroot" two other qtree "subdir1" and "subdir2" 2 - then... from unix, create ymlink in "dirroot" that point to "subdir1" and "subdir2" (symlink can be either absolute - you will need /etc/symlink.translation) or relative in either case you have to enable -nosymlink-strict-security... (better have a look at the doc, see link bellow) 3 - then create a share for dirroot, set up your quotas on dirroot (if applicable) and sudirx and it works
here is a link : take the time to carefully read if you are interrested as there is different 'kind' of links wrote:
Does anyone know if it is possible to enforce directory level quotas under a qtree.
Do people see the need for something like this ?