"Sto" == Sto RageĀ© netbacker@gmail.com writes:
Sto> you can't easily delete the source snapshot, because they have Sto> the "snapmirror" flag added. The only way someone could have Sto> deleted it is by stopping the snapvault relationship. So this Sto> could be some other issue, not necessarily a deleted Sto> snapshot. what does the snap list command show on the pri and Sto> secondary?
Yeah, they did stop the snapvault relationship (or did a force) to delete the source snapshot. It did end up going idle on the destination filer, but I couldn't modify or start it back up. So now I've bitten the bullet and I'm doing
snapvault stop dest:/vol/vol2/src_vol3_proj
to clean up stuff, and then I'll do a 'start' once the stop finishes. Oh well... this just gives me more ammo to beat people up on keeping enough snap reserve space around no matter what.