NetApp Harvest is a very fine tool for this.
It pushes the metrics into Graphite/Carbon and brings also Grafana Dashboard templates.
Grafana itself cannot just export the data, so you'd need to export them yourselves from Graphite.
Regards Marcel
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of s.eno Sent: Montag, 12. Juni 2017 16:06 To: Toasters Subject: [External] Metrics collection/reporting
I was recently tasked with presenting latency numbers for aggrs and vols on a regular basis. These would be numbers averaged over 30 days.
We're on cDOT 9.1P2 and OCUM is, to say the least, anemic when it comes to reporting on such things. Performance manager will provide the numbers but doesn't have the capabilities to save them to a spreadsheet, or whatever.
What are you fellow NetApp admins using for metrics reporting these days?
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