I would suspect that it really doesn't matter whether they are copper or fiber. It is a fibre channel arbitrated loop and the actual interconnects are SFP's. It's just that normally you use fibre for the first shelf of each loop and copper for the rest.
On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 14:48 -0500, Adam McDougall wrote:
We recently received a cluster of FAS3040, and due to some ordering confusion, ended up with no copper shelf interconnects but an excess of fibre cables + SFP modules. We have 4 DS14MK2 FC shelves and one DS14MK2 AT shelf to attach. I will probably obtain the copper shelf interconnects that I am supposed to have, but in the meantime, would it work good enough for testing using all optical fibre cables and no copper? Is this a supported configuration? Would it be unrecommended and how strongly?
I'd have to assume it is a more costly situation than using copper interconnects. I just haven't had time to contact the right people to get this situated yet.