Let me be more specific: nasb01> quota report tree 1 vol0 user 54852584 89128960 665167 - /vol/vol0/user
Put in a wildcard user quota for each volume. You can leave the quota itself unlimited if you want (with -). This will cause quota data to be maintained for all users.
* user@/vol/vol0 - - * user@/vol/vol1 - -
quota off vol0 quota on vol0 quota off vol1 quota on vol1
I like to put in wildcard quotas for groups and trees as well. That way you can add user, group, and tree quotas to a volume and just run "quota resize vol" instead of turning quotas off and on, which can leave quotas off for quite a long time on large volumes.
* user@/vol/vol0 - - * group@/vol/vol0 - - * tree@/vol/vol0 - -
When you have wildcard entries, as soon as a new user, group, or qtree appears, the filer immediately starts keeping track of its disk usage, because of the implicit wildcard quota entry. So then if you later put in a specific quota entry for a user, group, or tree, you only need to run "quota resize volume" because you are essentially changing an existing quota entry.
Steve Losen scl@virginia.edu phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support