Hi Richard...
Thanks for the "starter traps" suggestions.
Is there a more detailed explanation of what event will trigger what status?
I'll defer to Brian's reply on this.
On testing, when we switch off 1 power supply out of 2, we get a 'critical'(5) trap. ( is 'nonCritical' more appropriate ?)
I guess it's somewhat subjective, but I'd call the loss of a power supply a fairly "critical" event, even when there is another power supply happily keeping your system up for you. Just because the failure doesn't cause downtime doesn't necessarily mean it should automatically fall into the "nonCriticial" bracket, especially when you have a "nonRecoverable" bracket above "critical". To borrow a quote from Spinal Tap, the dial on this thing goes all the way to eleven! :-) That's my view anyway.
We have configured syslog.conf to send message errors to 'messages.err', critical to 'messages.crit' etc. hoping to be able to parse these files to enable an appropriate response according to severity. However, when doing the same power supply pull, we only get a message in the 'info' file.
Yep, this is clearly inconsistent. It looks like Brian has already filed the bug. Sorry about that.