Be wary of the java shell commands. Older versions of ONTAP had issues with java and memory utilization.
It's 'unsupported' and should be treated as such.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Darragh, Stephen J (CSC) (US SSA) Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 4:33 PM To: Subject: RE: Summary 'advanced mode commands' survey
My personal favorite is "java netapp.cmds.jsh" This gives you cd ; ls ; ls -l; mv and rm
Stephen Darragh
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Jerry Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 8:03 AM To: Dirk Schmiedt; Geissler, Norbert Cc: Subject: Re: Summary 'advanced mode commands' survey
Wholly crap. I've been wishing there was an "ls" for simple stuff in the filer. Now all they need is vi.
--- Dirk Schmiedt wrote:
Hello Norbert
Thank you for your survey and the time you invested! I have some suggestions for extensions for the next survey. Just in case you plan it... ;-)
I just stumbled on be being forced using the "advanced mode" to get access to imho very useful advanced arguments for standard commands.
"snap status" ( to see the sequence of the snapshot numbers and the explanations, which snap is still busy and currently is blocking your planned snapshot activities)
cf, fcadmin, storage, and many other commands also have some beautiful extensions.
I'ld also like to add some more advanced commands for the next advanced command list:
wafl_susp (in combination with statit) for performance bottleneck analysis.
wafl scan measure_layout (To measure the fragmentation without starting a reallocation)
Best regards and congratulation about your "first petabyte". :-) Dirk
Hello toasters,
below you'll find the results of the 'advanced
mode commands' survey.
The number of responses hasn't been overwhelming
as expected.
Anyway, thank you very much to all 19
The top three most used 'advanced mode' commands
are (in this order):
- ls
- led_on
- statit
All the best, Norbert
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