+----- On Fri, 04 Sep 1998 03:26:31 CDT, writes: [...] | > 602 - unknown | > 603 unknown - | > 604 - unknown | > 605 unknown - | > 606 - unknown | > 607 unknown - | > 608 - unknown | > 609 unknown - | > 618 - unknown | > 619 - unknown | > 620 unknown - | > 1063 - unknown | > 2049 nfs nfs | > 10000 unknown - | > | >A lot of unknown services (ones not listed in /etc/services, some are | >probably NDMP. | | I thought the 600 ports were for rsh, but by they alternate | between TCP and UDP, and aren't contiguous, I don't know. | | I have no idea what 10000 is for.
ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/port-numbers is always a good place to start:
urm 606/tcp Cray Unified Resource Manager urm 606/udp Cray Unified Resource Manager nqs 607/tcp nqs nqs 607/udp nqs # Bill Schiefelbein schief@aspen.cray.com sift-uft 608/tcp Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer sift-uft 608/udp Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer # Rick Troth troth@rice.edu npmp-trap 609/tcp npmp-trap npmp-trap 609/udp npmp-trap
# Christopher Durham chrisdu@sco.com dei-icda 618/tcp DEI-ICDA dei-icda 618/udp DEI-ICDA # David Turner digital@Quetico.tbaytel.net digital-evm 619/tcp Digital EVM digital-evm 619/udp Digital EVM # Jem Treadwell jem@unx.dec.com sco-websrvrmgr 620/tcp SCO WebServer Manager sco-websrvrmgr 620/udp SCO WebServer Manager
I doubt that these are correct though and I suggest that you use rpcinfo to see if these ports are attached to an rpc (they are here).
# Anoop Tewari anoop@next.distinct.com ndmp 10000/tcp Network Data Management Protocol ndmp 10000/udp Network Data Management Protocol