(Skottie Miller) writes:
[... re migrating from tradvols to flexvols ...]
It's going to be a pain. buy or borrow some extra shelves if possible, so you have a "peg" to use for the shuffle.
Yes: I am really regretting having expanded a volume recently (to make it more efficient by spreading it over more disks: it didn't really need the extra space yet), as it now leaves me with too few spares to migrate to flexible volumes without a lot of trouble.
long ago, in early discussions about the OnTap version that became 7G, I could swear that you could convert a traditional volume into a FlexVol, and its underlying spindles into an aggregate. but, that feature appears to have been removed, or never made it.
If there's any possibility that such a feature may still appear, say in some later version of ONTAP 7.x, then it would be very helpful if NetApp could say something to that effect, as I am sure it would affect a lot of migration plans!
Chris Thompson University of Cambridge Computing Service Email: