Is there an easy way to query a DFM server remotely? I'd like to grab some data on demand (Current CPU). I could do that via SNMP without too much trouble, but I'd rather not let all the clients directly poll the filers.
The DFM server already has that information, and I can poll it on the machine itself with something like 'dfm report filers-ops <filer>'. I'd rather let the clients hit this machine so there's no performance impact on the filers if something goes wrong. Is there a way of getting that same data from a remote host without setting up accounts and automated logins? I thought I might be able to run the dfm software on the client directly, but if I can, I'm missing how to specify the server that it contacts...
The web reports are fine, but I don't want to scrape them through the normal display. If I can get the raw data from the DFM server via http/snmp/other, that would be good.